Data ArMaKhan
Where can I subscribe to Data ArMaKhan data package?
- You can subscribe to one of the Data ArMaKhan data packages through Data ArMaKhan service icon of MPT4U application OR Data ArMaKhan service page of MPT website.
How many times can I subscribe to Data ArMaKhan data package at a time?
Only 1 package for 1 MSISDN (Sim) is allowed to subscribe Data ArMaKhan data package at a time.
How should I ask for Claims?
The insured/beneficiary needs to fill in the claims form; available at MPT4U app and KBZMS websites.
Is there any Age limitation to subscribe the Data ArMaKhan package?
Anyone aged between 18 to 60 years old is eligible for insurance coverage. If the customer is not between 18 to 60 years old, the customer can only enjoy data and no insurance coverage will be provided.
When I have questions about the requirements, what should I do?
For detailed information and clarification, you can reach out to KBZMS Call Center (+959) 95 007 7000 if you have any questions.