On April 9, 2024, Power Up Contest awarding ceremony
was held to honor the highest performing and highest selling agents according to the sales results from January to March, 2024 (Financial Year Quarter 4) at The Brunch Society, located in Pyidaungzu Yeiktha Street, Yangon.

First, KBZMS Chief Executive Officer U Sai Lu Mon Aung gave a speech and thanked the high performing agents, welcoming everyone to work hard together in the coming new years.

Next, CEO U Sai Lu Mon Aung awarded prizes to the 5 most efficient agents (Power Up Fighters).
After that, Chief Financial Officer Daw May Su Hlaing presented prizes to another top 5 agents (Power Up Producer) with the highest sales.

U Myo Min Thant, Head of Retail Sales Division, gave a speech of honor and mentioned the work to be done in the future. The event was successfully held with beautiful Thingyan dance and splashing water to each other