Cash in Safe Insurance
Government departments, cooperative enterprises, government and private banks, and other private entrepreneurs and businesses can obtain Cash in Safe insurance to protect the money held at their place of business.
To obtain Cash in Safe Insurance, you must provide the following:
– A copy of the National Registration Card (NRC).
– A completed proposal form.
– After submitting the application form, a survey will be conducted.
– Documents required by the Underwriting department include a copy of the business license, vault or safe certificate, and employee cards for bank staff and key holders.
The insurance offers protection against burglary, theft, robbery, coercion, and use of force.
Premium rates vary based on the type of business and location. The deposit ranges from a minimum of 1% to a maximum of 2%.
The warranty period for Cash in Safe Insurance is one year.
Cash in Safe Insurance does not cover losses due to fire or if the safe is opened with a counterfeit key.