Industrial All Risks Insurance

What is Industrial All Risks Insurance?

Industrial All Risks Insurance is a comprehensive policy designed to protect industrial and manufacturing businesses against accidental physical loss or damage caused by all risks, except those specifically excluded. This coverage includes wider protection than a traditional Standard Fire Insurance policy, subject to specific exclusions of the policy. This package policy offers high coverage limits and is tailored to meet the needs of businesses in manufacturing, commercial, and other industrial sectors. Additional coverage can include business interruption and third-party liability.

What is the difference between Fire Insurance and IAR Insurance?


Fire Insurance

IAR Insurance



·  Actual Value

·  Replacement Value

Premium Rate


·  Tariff Rate


·  Non-Tariff Rate – considering construction, occupancy, protection, exposure, management, loss history, and other risk factors

No Claims Bonus (NCB)


·  When renewing the policy, the total premium from the previous year is compared to the renewal premium for the current year. The insured will receive 25% of the lower premium as a no claim bonus.

·  Not applicable




·  No applied

·  Applied



·  No applied


·   Applied



·  Fire & Additional Perils can be optional


·  Package Policy as All Risks cover

Why should I buy IAR Insurance?

Purchasing IAR insurance offers businesses extensive coverage for multiple risks within one comprehensive package. This insurance not only provides broad protection against accidental physical loss or damage but also includes business interruption coverage, which helps maintain your business income and cover ongoing expenses during disruptions. Additionally, IAR Insurance can include third-party liability coverage, protecting your business from legal claims and liabilities.

Can I buy Business Interruption (BI) with an IAR policy?

Yes, you can buy BI with an IAR policy, but BI is an additional cover you can buy by paying additional premium.

Can I receive the No Claims Bonus (NCB) for IAR insurance?

No, you cannot receive NCB through IAR insurance. NCB is received in Fire & Allied Perils Insurance and Motor Vehicle Insurance.

When I have questions about the requirements, what should I do?

For detailed information and clarification, you can reach out to KBZMS Call Center (+959) 9500 77000 ​ if you have any questions.

What are the payment options?

After receiving the Debit Note, you can pay the premium at the KBZMS offices or directly to KBZMS bank accounts via KBZ bank QuickPay services or other KBZMS designated bank accounts through mobile banking or internet banking, or nearest bank branches of Major banks. Please refer to the Debit Note for the detailed bank account information.

What should I do when the accident happened?

Notify the KBZMS Call Center at (+959) 9500 77000 immediately and let us know the following:

  • Brief Details of the Accident
  • Location of Accident
  • Contact information

The respective claim team will contact you and request any other necessary documents.

How long is the insurance coverage valid until the expiry date?

The insurance coverage is valid until midnight (12:00) on the expiry date.

Personal Lines

Commercial Lines 


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