Inland Marine Cargo Insurance
What documentations are required for applying inland marine cargo insurance?
- Completed Proposal Form
- A Copy of Vessel License/Vehicle License
- A Copy of Business License
- Insured Cargo Lists
- Other Relevant Documents
How is stamp duty calculated and collected for land and marine cargo insurance?
Stamp fees are calculated at a rate of MMK 10 per MMK 100,000.
What is the important point to know about inland marine cargo insurance in Myanmar?
Inland Marine Cargo Insurance does not cover partial losses. Only total losses are insured.
When I have questions about the requirements, what should I do?
For detailed information and clarification, you can reach out to KBZMS Call Centre (+959) 95 007 7000 if you have any questions.
What are the payment options?
After receiving the Debit Note, you can pay the premium at the KBZMS offices or directly to KBZMS bank accounts via KBZ bank QuickPay services or other KBZMS designated bank accounts through mobile banking or internet banking, or nearest bank branches of Major banks. Please refer to the Debit Note for the detailed bank account information
What should I do if I met the loss occur?
Notify the KBZMS Call Centre at (+959) 95 007 7000 immediately and let us know the following:
- Explained Brief Details of the Loss Occurrence
- Location of Loss Occurred
- Claimant Contact Information