Contractors’ All Risks/ Erection All Risks Insurance

During the construction and erection phases, KBZMS provides customized insurance solutions for risks ranging from transport, all the way to operational risks.

Product Highlights

Contractors’ All Risks/Erection All Risks Insurance provides protection against financial loss, offering the following covers:

Material Damage
Covers loss or damage to structural and civil works during construction or renovation projects.
Includes protection for electrical and mechanical equipment installation.
Covers the installation of switchgear, erection of manufacturing machinery, power plant machinery, and more.
Asian two business man construction engineers supervising progress of construction project at construction site.

Third Party Liability

Covers legal liabilities for accidental bodily injury, death, or physical loss or damage to third party property arising out of construction works

Premium Rate

Premium rates are determined based on factors such as:
Risk Location and Site Plan
Contract Period
Scope of Project
Security Management
Risk Assessment Report
Contract Price
Detailed claims experience over the past 3 years, etc.

Coverage & Benefits

What is Covered

Insurance Eligibility

What can be insured

Contractors’ All Risks:
Structural and Civil Engineering Works: Includes building and renovation projects, covering structural elements and civil engineering activities.
Erection All Risks:
Electrical and Mechanical Equipment Installation: Protects against risks associated with the installation of electrical and mechanical equipment such as switch gear installation, solar panels installation, and machinery erection.

Who can be insured?

Principal Owner
Main Contractor’s / Sub-contractors
Consultant Engineers

Period of Insurance​

Covers the entire Contract Period, including both the installation phase and the maintenance period as defined in the contract.

Document Download

Proposal Contractors’ All Risks (CAR) Insurance (PDF)

Proposal Erection All Risks (EAR) Insurance (PDF)

Brochure Contractors’ & Erection All Risks (CAR & EAR) Insurance (PDF)

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