Travel Insurance (Under 100 Miles)
Product Highlights
Under 100 miles Travel Insurance provides protection for the passengers who travelled under 100 miles against

Premium Rate

Coverage & Benefits
What is Covered

Insurance Eligibility
How can it be purchased
Period of Insurance
Related Products

Personal Lines Insurance
Health Insurance
Your health is your most important asset. Protect yourself and your family from medical and surgical expenses with KBZMS Arrawjan Health Insurance.

Personal Lines Insurance
Personal Accident Insurance
Accidents can happen when you least expect it. Cover yourself and your loved ones in case of accidents or mishaps for your piece of mind.
Travel Insurance (Over 100 Miles)
Product Highlights
Special Travel (Over 100 miles) Insurance provides protection for the passengers who travelled at highway against

Premium Rate
Available Units

Coverage & Benefits
What is Covered

Insurance Eligibility
How can it be purchased
Period of Insurance
Related Products

Personal Lines Insurance
Health Insurance
Your health is your most important asset. Protect yourself and your family from medical and surgical expenses with KBZMS Arrawjan Health Insurance.

Personal Lines Insurance
Personal Accident Insurance
Accidents can happen when you least expect it. Cover yourself and your loved ones in case of accidents or mishaps for your piece of mind.
Travel Insurance (Inbound Travel)
Product Highlights
Inbound Travel Insurance provides protection for the domestic travelers against

Premium Rate

Available Units
Up to 20 units
Coverage & Benefits
What is Covered

Insurance Eligibility
Who can purchase
Period of Insurance
Related Products

Personal Lines Insurance
Health Insurance
Your health is your most important asset. Protect yourself and your family from medical and surgical expenses with KBZMS Arrawjan Health Insurance.

Personal Lines Insurance
Personal Accident Insurance
Accidents can happen when you least expect it. Cover yourself and your loved ones in case of accidents or mishaps for your piece of mind.
Travel Insurance (Outbound Travel)
Product Highlights
Outbound Travel Insurance provides protection for the international travelers against

Premium Rate

Available Units
Up to 20 units
Coverage & Benefits
What is Covered

Insurance Eligibility
Who can purchase
Anyone who travel aboard
Period of Insurance
1 week to 3 months depending on the trip duration
Related Products

Personal Lines Insurance
Health Insurance
Your health is your most important asset. Protect yourself and your family from medical and surgical expenses with KBZMS Arrawjan Health Insurance.

Personal Lines Insurance
Personal Accident Insurance
Accidents can happen when you least expect it. Cover yourself and your loved ones in case of accidents or mishaps for your piece of mind.